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- Untitled
- Document
- Slide
- Picture
- Actor
- Movie
- Sound
- Gradient
- Error
- Mag.
- Master
- No Master
- Undo
- No Slides
- Timeline
- Edit…
- Cannot display "
- " because QuickTime is not installed.
- This is an unknown type of object.
- Play
- Stop
- Could not get sound into memory. Cannot embed.
- Not enough memory to create file information to unembed.
- none on slide
- none available
- This master slide is being used. Deleting it will remove it from any slides using it.
- This will not be saved. Are you sure you wish to close it?
- This gradient is being used. Deleting it will remove it from anything using it.
- This picture is being used. Deleting it will remove it from anything using it.
- This QuickTime movie is being used. Deleting it will remove it from anything using it.
- This actor is being used. Deleting it will remove it from anything using it.
- This sound sample is being used. Deleting it will remove it from anything using it.
- Choose background color:
- Choose text color:
- Name this master:
- Name new presentation:
- Name this slide:
- Slide duration in seconds
- Load Presentation:
- Load PICT:
- Add to list:
- Load QuickTime movie:
- Load actor:
- Select Picture
- Select QuickTime Movie
- Select Actor
- Select Sound Sample
- Save presentation as:
- trying to open file
- trying to create file
- trying to load file
- trying to save file
- trying to update object
- trying to update text object
- trying to update picture object
- trying to update picture background
- trying to load QuickTime movie
- trying to load picture file
- trying to load actor
- trying to play sound sample -
- trying to load sound sample -
- trying to open sound channel -
- trying to create a new sample
- Select Master
- Unknown file type. Cannot open “
- ”
- copying objects to another document
- Not enough memory to create button.
- Select gradient(s) to import
- Color…
- No Transition
- Rotation…
- Dissolve
- Wipe Dissolve
- Sunburst Dissolve
- Fade
- Pixelate
- The selection you are about to delete contains one or more publishers. Are you sure you want to delete it?
- This text object has been altered on other slides using this master slide. Do you wish to delete them?
- This is an invalid actor version.
- This is an invalid actor type. You can only import bitmapped actors.
- Object Edition
- Publisher Options…
- Subscriber Options…
- trying to create custom scrap
- trying to paste custom scrap
- trying to create publisher
- trying to create subscriber
- setting edition options
- sending editions
- getting editions
- trying to open window for document
- reading publish and subscribe information from resource fork
- Select slide to import
- Select object(s) to import
- Select master slide to import
- Save Object(s) As:
- Save Slide As:
- Enter Magnification
- Magnification must be between 10% and 2000%.
- Cannot create group. You have selected objects already inside of a group.
- Cannot create group. You have selected text objects on the master slide.
- trying to record sound.
- This will run the slideshow. Press the space bar to toggle sound recorder on and off. The sounds you record will be put into your slides.
- Do you wish to run just the current slide?
- Color Picker…
- Record…
- Could not get into memory. Cannot embed.
- trying to export sound track of a QuickTime movie
- Not enough memory available to perform slide transitions. Continue?
- Couldn't allocate 2nd buffer for high optimization. Slideshow may run slow.
- Couldn't allocate data for object dissolve transitions. They will not work. Continue?
- trying to start slideshow.
- You need color QuickDraw to use multiple monitors.
- You need at least two documents open to run multiple slideshows.
- You need at least two monitors to run multiple slideshows.
- while playing multiple slideshows
- Name QuickTime movie
- creating file spec
- creating buffer to scale movie in
- getting QuickTime compression
- FPS must be between 0 and 100
- preparing QuickTime export
- exporting QuickTime movie
- ending QuickTime export
- This feature doesn't work without Color QuickDraw.
- Enter Text Size
- Text size must be between 4 and 512.
- Character spacing: 75% to 500%
- Range must be between 75% and 500%.
- Line spacing: 0% to 1000%
- Range must be between 0% and 1000%.
- Duration:
- The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
- undo deletion of section data for publisher or subscriber
- Not enough memory to open a window for this document.
- initializing QuickTime
- trying to install Apple Events
- processing high level event
- Number Of Points:
- Can only create or edit text in 100% magnification.
- Selected Text
- Current Object
- Selected Text
- Entire Slide
- Hide Timelines
- Show Timelines
- Open Timelines
- Hide Datasheet
- Show Datasheet
- Open Datasheet
- processing sound editor event
- processing datasheet editor event
- saving publisher data
- Show Slide
- Show Notes
- Add Slide Preview
- Add Notes Preview
- Add Bullets
- Remove Bullets
- Ungroup
- Unmerge
- loading template
- with New Document dialog
- saving sound
- reverting sound
- Open PowerPoint document
- loading PowerPoint document
- converting PowerPoint document
- Load chart format
- Save chart format
- saving chart format
- Name this chart format.
- None
- Stop Animation
- trying to open a datasheet
- document
- library
- 200%
- 150%
- Actual Size
- Fit In Window
- 50%
- Double click to
- select QuickTime movie.
- select actor.
- select picture.
- create chart.
- Chart Attributes
- importing datasheet
- • The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
- Move
- Resize
- Crop
- Color Change
- Pattern
- Gradient
- Border Change
- Ink Mode
- Flip
- Typeface
- Font Change
- Font Size
- Font Color
- Font Style
- Typing
- Clear
- Clear
- Character Spacing
- Line Spacing
- Justification
- Object Attribute
- Move Or Resize
- Redo
- Self-running presentation for Windows must contain 8 or less characters in the file name.
- Pictograph
- Please name new pictograph
- during spell check
- Spell check completed.
- An error has occurred while loading the dictionary file.
- An error has occurred while saving the dictionary file.
- An error has occurred trying to open the dictionary file.
- An error has occurred during spell check.
- This datasheet holds data used in the presentation, however, deleting it will not disturb the presentation. Do you wish to delete it?
- opening a new spreadsheet
- Row Titles
- Column Titles
- Values
- Title
- Define Pictograph…
- Edit Pictograph…
- Save library as:
- Datasheet
- Can only search for a maximum of 31 characters.
- Can only replace a maximum of 31 characters.
- Replace selection, “
- ” with “
- ”?
- Your document contains QuickTime movies. Note that they cannot be embedded into the document file.
- File format:
- Astound
- other
- seconds
- Number of seconds to insert:
- Number of seconds to remove:
- There is not enough memory to animate the slideshow. Would you like to continue without animation?
- Graph
- No Animation
- No Template
- Select presentation to import
- Persuasion
- PowerPoint
- Exit Slide At:
- none available
- Error loading player module. Try saving without player.
- Player
- Please locate Astound player
- trying to create print record
- trying to initialize print manager
- trying to validate printer information
- The printer information for your document has been altered to accomodate the currently installed printer.
- trying to print document
- New Slide
- QuickTime is not installed. Cannot continue.
- notes
- outline
- slide sorter
- This will alter previously defined chart animation. Do you wish to proceed?
- You have not given a transition time to execute. Do you wish to proceed?
- Cancel
- Select Master…
- Switch Master…
- Save
- Save Sound
- Save Library
- Do you wish to use this gradient for your slide background?
- reformatting presentation…
- loading…
- Press “⌘ - period” to abort.
- trying to reformat presentation
- master slides in your presentation did not find a match in the new template.
- master slides in the new template did not find a match in your presentation. Do you wish to add them?
- Set Line Weight
- System Beep
- Load Sound…
- Open Persuasion Document
- loading Persuasion document
- converting Persuasion document
- Name exists. Choose another.
- Group Space:
- Line Weight:
- Size:
- Please note that the color gradient will not rotate with the shape.
- Number Of Sides:
- Must enter a value between 3 and 36.
- Chart
- Text
- placeholder
- All changes since last save will be discarded. Do you wish to revert to last saved version?
- Page:
- of
- Replace all will not confirm and you will not be able to undo operation. Do you wish to proceed?
- Set Shadow Offset
- Horz:
- Vert:
- Spacing:
- Title
- 1 Column
- 2 Columns
- 3 Columns
- 4 Columns
- 1 Chart
- 2 Charts
- 3 Charts
- 4 Charts
- 1 Picture
- 2 Pictures
- 3 Pictures
- 4 Pictures
- 1 Movie
- Bullet & Chart
- Bullet & Picture
- Bullet & Movie
- Picture & Chart
- Movie & Chart
- Menu
- Help
- Basic
- Serial number has been entered incorrectly. Please check that it is accurate.
- You must enter your name to register.
- Is this correct?
- Remove chart format from list?
- You must select an object to use for definition first.
- Windows Player
- Please locate Astound Windows Player
- saving QuickTime movie
- Self-running presentation for Windows must contain 8 or less characters in the file name.
- Switch Master
- Deleting a slide cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?
- Edit Chart
- All specified resources are in use. Nothing was purged.
- No pictograph definition for this graph.
- Cannot replot because you do not have a chart object selected.
- saving template
- Save template as:
- Can only create or edit text in 100% magnification. Do you wish to change magnification to 100%?
- Save Movie
- reverting QuickTime Movie
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Clear
- Title
- Body
- Load pictograph
- Save pictograph
- Converting PICS to an Actor…
- Loading image file…
- This resource will be permanently removed from your presentation once you have replaced it. Do you wish to continue?
- loading master slide preview
- no sound
- Converting PowerPoint presentation…
- Converting Persuasion document…
- trying to open spreadsheet
- The application you have selected is not a self-running presentation.
- Make library self-contained
- You can not replace your original file from here. Please use a different name or choose “Save” from “File” menu.
- Switch Template…
- Import Template…
- Default Chart Animation
- Timeline Change
- You have selected only one row and it contains labels. There are no value rows to plot.
- You have selected only one column and it contains labels. There are no value columns to plot.
- Slide Dimensions…
- Notes Dimensions…
- Search pattern not found.
- No more occurances of search pattern found.
- Exit Point:
- Start From
- Text Ruler Edit
- You will not be able to undo this operation. Do you wish to continue?
- You have exceeded the limit of 31 characters.
- If you ungroup this chart, it will lose its chart properties. Do you wish to proceed?
- Cannot create group. The combined entry times overlap the combined exit times.
- You have selected a sound format that the current recording device does not support.
- Save A Copy
- You have not given a path time to execute. Do you wish to proceed?
- Y Axis (Category)
- X Axis (Value)
- Text Attribute
- Presentations
- Slides
- Objects
- Templates
- Clipart
- Actors
- QuickTime
- Chart Formats
- Pictographs
- Sounds
- Datasheets
- Backgrounds
- Play Nothing
- Not all fonts required by this presentation are currently available. Due to font substitution, some text may not appear right.
- Make Astound alias of:
- Clipart
- Astound requires System version 6.0.8 or higher.
- Astound requires Color QuickDraw version 1.2 or higher.
- Title Placeholder
- Body Placeholder
- This template is a different size than your screen. Would you like it resized to match your screen size?
- This presentation was created with Astound and contains proprietary software of Gold Disk Inc.
- Any attempt to breach Gold Disk's proprietary rights is subject to civil and criminal sanctions.
- ©1993 Gold Disk Inc.
- For more information, call (416)602-4000.
- Do you wish to reformat charts using the formats defined on the master?
- This presentation is a different size than your screen. Would you like it resized to match your screen size?
- You have not set the pause to occur within the slide's duration. Would you like to place the pause at the end?
- Percentage
- Decimal
- Currency
- Category
- Value
- Series
- Development
- Alpha
- Beta
- Version
- Sounds may not play.
- Error loading presentation.
- Couldn't load presentation. Program will quit when you close this alert.
- writing registration info. Registration has not been permanently stored.
- Rename sound
- Text Transition…
- Save frame of slideshow:
- frame
- Select Slide Transition
- None
- Random
- Dissolve
- Puff Dissolve
- Mini Tile
- Mini Slash
- Mini Dual Slash
- Mini Diamond
- Mini Slide Rule
- Mini Two Pass
- Mini Clock
- Splatter
- Wipe
- Big Tile
- Grow Corners
- Shift
- Pile On
- Snake In
- Roll Down
- Small Tiles
- Big Tiles
- Chomper
- Slide
- Can not embed QuickTime. File uses:
- This copy of Astound is a demonstration version. You can not save files with it.
- This copy of Astound is a demonstration version. You can not print with it.
- This copy of Astound is a demonstration version. You can not copy slides to the clipboard with it.